- Qualifications
- Veterans
- Visiting Students Coming to WVU Potomac State College
- Admission Revocation
- Readmission
- Second Degree Students
- Non-Degree Students
- Academic Forgiveness Policy
- PSC Transient Students
- Immunization Records
- Freshman
- General Equivalency Diploma (GED)/Test of Assessing Secondary Completion (TASC)/High School Equivalency Test (HiSET)
- Active Military Service Credit
- Access/Early Start Program
Pre-Collegiate Examinations - Advanced Placement Program (AP)/College Level Examination Program (CLEP)/International Baccalaureate (IB)
- Transfer Students from Divisional Campuses
- Transfer Students
- Evaluation of Transfer Credit
- Transfer Credit Appeal Process
- International Student Admission
- Required Academic Credentials
- English Language Proficiency
- Financial Documents and Student Visa
In this section:
- Qualifications
- Veterans
- Visiting Students Coming to WVU Potomac State College
- Admission Revocation
- Readmission
- Second Degree Students
- Non-Degree Students
- Academic Forgiveness Policy
- PSC Transient Students
- Immunization Records
WVU Potomac State College is an open admissions institution for West Virginia residents. The principal qualifications for admission are graduation from an accredited high school or high school equivalent diploma through the General Equivalency Degree (GED) tests. Applicants are encouraged to submit ACT or SAT scores, which are used for placement purposes.
WVU Potomac State College enrolls a diverse student population. The University is committed to the goal of equal educational opportunity for all students: no candidate is denied admission because of race, religion, color, sex, sexual orientation, marital status, age, handicap or disability, veteran status, or national origin.
The primary focus of the admissions review is on academic potential. All of the required materials submitted by the applicant – application and transcripts - are reviewed carefully.
Applications for admission can be found online at the WVU Potomac State College Admissions webpage.
The Office of Academic Affairs offers assistance to veterans who are either enrolled or contemplating college enrollment. Information about the various forms of assistance for veterans is available online at the WVU Potomac State College Admissions under the Apply tab in the Veterans section. Veterans may also contact:
Academic Services Coordinator
Administration Building Room 112 (Academic Affairs Suite)
Veterans who do not meet minimum admission requirements may be reviewed for admission. Contact the Office of Enrollment Services at mailto:go2psc@mail.wvu.edu or 304-788-6820.
Visiting Students Coming to WVU Potomac State College
Students who want to take a course at WVU Potomac State College and have the credit transferred to another college or university must complete the application for admission and select "visiting" for student type. The application can be found at Visiting (Transient) Student | WVU Potomac State College | Admissions | West Virginia University. A new application must be submitted for each term a student wishes to attend. Students who desire to enroll as a visiting (transient) student may do so upon submission of a letter of good standing from the institution that was last attended or an official transcript from that institution.
Current WVU Morgantown students who wish to enroll in courses at either the Keyser or Beckley campuses may request approval through the Dual Campus/Visiting Student Form. Once completing the form, students will need to submit a ticket and attach the form to their submission. Submissions will then be reviewed and decided upon.
Admission Revocation
An offer of admission can be revoked if an applicant's application materials are found to be falsified or if an admitted student engages in behavior that is not in compliance with the WVU Potomac State College Student Conduct Code prior to the first day of classes in the term of admission. If admission is revoked prior to the first day of classes, the admitted student may appeal the action to the Associate Provost for Undergraduate Academic Affairs. An enrolled student may be dismissed from the program or University if the student's application materials are found to be falsified, consistent with applicable policies or procedures in the Academic Standards section of the catalog.
If a student leaves the College for at least one complete fall or spring semester, an application for readmission must be submitted to the Office of Enrollment Services. Decisions on readmission are based on the student's academic standing.
If a student attended another institution(s), readmission will be based on the WVU academic standing along with academic credit earned at any other institution after leaving WVU. In order to be readmitted, a student must obtain an overall grade point average of 2.0 at all institutions attended since leaving WVU or attain a combined overall grade point average of 2.0 from all institutions attended including WVU.
Students who were suspended from WVU Potomac State College, must apply for readmission. Additional information may be found on the Academic Standards website on the Probation and Suspension page.
Second Degree Students
College graduates who want to earn a second associates or bachelor's degree are required to submit an application for admission and official transcripts from all institutions previously attended. The Office of Enrollment Services can only accept transcripts sent directly from the Registrars' Office of these institutions. Transcripts issued to the student, or received via fax, scan or email are not considered official. In general, admission is granted on the basis of a minimum cumulative grade point average of 2.0 in the first associate or bachelor's degree. After admission, the college will evaluate the transcript and apply any appropriate credit from the first bachelor's degree toward completion of the second degree. Students who have earned a bachelor's degree from an accredited college or university will meet all of WVU's General Education Foundation (GEF) requirements. All Credit Residence Requirements must be met to receive a second bachelor's degree.
Non-Degree Seeking Students
Students with one or more bachelor's degrees from accredited colleges or universities (including WVU) who want to enroll for undergraduate credit may be admitted as non-degree seeking students. Candidates for admission to this classification who are not graduates of WVU must submit an application for admission and an official transcript(s) from the institution(s) granting the undergraduate degree. The Office of Enrollment Services can only accept transcripts sent directly from the Registrars' Office of the institution(s) previously attended. Transcripts issued to the student, or received by fax, scan, or email are not considered official. WVU students need only to apply with an undergraduate application.
WVU Potomac State College may admit students who are not seeking and/or not eligible to pursue a degree. Non-degree students must meet the minimum University admission standards and must follow transfer admission requirements. If students have completed fewer than twelve college-level credits, they should also submit an official high school transcript.
Unless otherwise stated, Students seeking non-degree admission must be academically and otherwise eligible to return to their current or previous institution.
Non-degree students must supply WVU Potomac State College with transcripts reflecting all previous college work prior to admission. Visiting students may provide a Statement of Good Standing in lieu of transcripts.
Academic Forgiveness Policy
WVU Potomac State College may provide Academic Forgiveness to some undergraduate students who were not successful in their first attempt at higher education.
Policies governing academic forgiveness:
- For the purposes of admission, the West Virginia University system may honor academic forgiveness granted at a previously attended regionally accredited institution. Students requesting admittance who wish to have a previous grant of academic forgiveness honored must have a GPA of 2.0 or higher in at least 24 earned credit hours after academic forgiveness was applied.
- A student may receive academic forgiveness only once.
- Students requesting academic forgiveness cannot have been enrolled at any higher education institution for at least four calendar years.
- Students who receive academic forgiveness from the West Virginia University system will receive credit for all courses completed with a grade of D- or higher during the forgiven period of enrollment. While all grades and credit hours remain on the student’s transcript, grades earned during the forgiven enrollment period will not be counted in the student’s GPA.
- After receiving forgiveness, the student must satisfactorily complete all coursework required by the academic unit for graduation and at least 15 credit hours in the WVU system for an associate degree or 30 credit hours for a bachelor’s degree.
- Students who receive academic forgiveness are not eligible to graduate with honors.
- Academic forgiveness does not supersede some calculations used to determine eligibility for Satisfactory Academic Progress regarding financial aid, scholarships, and the veterans’ benefits.
- Some professional programs and other regionally accredited institutions may not honor academic forgiveness conferred by the West Virginia University system. Students receiving academic forgiveness should consult with an academic advisor in the field they wish to pursue.
- Complete the top half of the Petition for Admission on the Academic Forgiveness form located at Academic Forgiveness | WVU Potomac State College | Admissions | West Virginia University, and provide any requested documentation.
- Students applying for financial aid will need to submit a Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) at the Federal Student Aid webpage and file a Satisfactory Academic Process Appeal (SAP) if necessary.
- Petition is approved by the Dean of Academic Affairs or designee.
- Recommendation for admission under Academic Forgiveness is returned to the Office of Enrollment Services for appropriate processing.
WVU Potomac State Students Seeking Transient Credit
Transient coursework is any coursework taken by a currently enrolled WVU student at another institution.
Students are limited to take a total of 18 credit hours in transient, and only 9 of which may be major specific requirements.
Any coursework taken within one (1) year from a student's last term of enrollment at WVU will be subsequent to university and college specific transient policies.
Once a student knows what courses they want to take, and where they want to take them, the student and their academic advisor can access the transfer credit database to determine how the course(s) will transfer back to WVU (downloading and installing the launcher is required).
If a student wants to take a course that is not listed, the student must request that it be added to the database via the Transfer Equivalency Review Request (TERR). In most cases, the review process takes 5 to 10 business days.
- Courses that are not in the database will not be approved to be taken in transient.
- Courses taken in transient at other institutions without proper approval will transfer in as NOEQ 1NT.
Students must request transient approval to take a course(s) at another institution. The student will need to download the PDF, complete and save it, and then email it to the advisor for review and submission to the Dean's Office for approval.
Immunization Records
WVU Potomac State College does not collect proof of immunization through the onboarding process for new students. Certain majors related to the health sciences may be required to submit proof of vaccinations at a later date.
In this section:
- Freshman/Early Admission Requirements
- General Equivalency Diploma (GED)/Test of Assessing Secondary Completion (TASC)/High School Equivalency Test (HiSET)
- Credit for Military Service
- Access/Early Start Program
Freshman/Early Admission Requirements
To be considered for freshman admission, a student must:
- Complete an application for admission.
- Submit an official copy of high school transcript. If the applicant is still completing high school, an official high school transcript for the classes completed so far should be submitted. In addition, the final high school transcript verifying graduation must be submitted when available.
- Submit official copies of ACT or SAT scores, if available. ACT/SAT scores are not used for admission but are used for placement into Math and English courses.
General Equivalency Diploma (GED)/Test of Assessing Secondary Completion (TASC)/High School Equivalency Test (HiSET)
In lieu of a high school diploma, students are eligible for admission consideration having attained any one of the following equivalent credentials.
As of January 1, 2022, the HiSET® exam became the state approved HSE assessment for West Virginia. Examinees who successfully pass the HiSET® exam receive the State of West Virginia High School Equivalency Diploma.
Students passing the High School Equivalency Test (HiSET) will need to submit their State of West Virginia High School Equivalency Diploma. A high school transcript must also be mailed to the PSC Office of Enrollment Services. More information about the HiSET exam can be found on the HiSET webpage.
The GED will be accepted for students who took the GED prior to January 2014, or from a state that does not administer the HiSET or TASC exam. Students who have completed a General Equivalency Diploma (GED) with an average standard score of 2250 (450) or above must request that the State Department of Education mail copies of scores to the PSC Office of Enrollment Services. In addition, a high school transcript must also be mailed to the PSC Office of Enrollment Services.
Students who completed the Test Assessing Secondary Completion (TASC) prior to January 1, 2022 will need to submit their State of West Virginia High School Equivalency Diploma. A high school transcript must also be mailed to the PSC Office of Enrollment Services. More information about the TASC exam can be found on the Test Accessing Secondary Completion webpage.
Credit for Military Service
WVU Potomac State College accepts the following military transcripts for all service members and veterans.
- Joint Services Transcript (JST)
- Community College of the Air Force (CCAF)
West Virginia University has an established database for the ACE (American Council on Education) approved postings on the JST (Joint Service Transcript). Veteran students must submit their JST to the WVU Office of Admissions in order for any coursework to be posed.
For more information please contact the Office of Enrollment Services.
ACCESS (Attaining College Credits and Experience while in Secondary School) Program
High school students with a 3.0 cumulative grade point average may be admitted to enroll in college courses before high school graduation. Students seeking admission into WVU Potomac State College's ACCESS Program must meet the following criteria:
High School Juniors and Seniors:
- Be a high school or home-schooled junior or senior during the semester when the desired course is offered.
- Hold a 3.0 GPA or higher.
- Some courses require students to complete a mathematics or English placement test.
If an application for admission to the ACCESS Program is denied but extenuating circumstances may exist, the principal and/or guidance counselor may request reconsideration. In such cases, the decision to admit will be made by the Executive Director of Enrollment Management and the Dean for Academic Affairs.
Pre-Collegiate Examinations - Advanced Placement Program (AP)/College Level Examination Program (CLEP)/International Baccalaureate (IB)
Equivalencies for pre-collegiate examinations such as Advanced Placement (AP), International Baccalaureate (IB), or College Level Examination Program (CLEP), are established by the academic unit which teaches the subject, based on the following university rules.
- Initially, a maximum of 4 credits is awarded for each single qualifying exam score. In consultation with their Academic Adviser, students may petition for additional credit based on their score and academic circumstances.
- Once an equivalency has been established and a student has requested that a course be recorded on the transcript, it cannot be removed from the student’s record.
- Credit is normally awarded at the 100 level. In some circumstances, departments may request the college or school to award credit for a 200-level course. Credit at or above the 300 level is not granted.
- In certain subjects, direct equivalency to a WVU course is awarded. Many course equivalencies will satisfy General Education requirements.
- Individual programs may decide that non-direct equivalencies fulfill major or minor requirements; equivalencies are reflected in the student’s Degree Works audit.
- Examination credit equivalencies posted to the student’s transcript count as both attempted and earned credits. Although credit is awarded, no grades are recorded.
- Examination credits are awarded at the point of admission for both freshmen and transfer students. For transfer students, WVU articulates credit based on its established equivalencies. WVU does not honor the articulation made by previous institutions.
- Current students may not earn college credit via CLEP, unless a department does not offer credit-by-examination and the student has secured prior approval.
Advanced Placement Program (AP)
- Score of 3: equivalent to 3-4 credits of a 100-level course, usually a General Education requirement.
- A score of 4 or better: a direct equivalency may be awarded, at the discretion of the appropriate department. Students may request additional credit when applicable.
- The Advanced Placement chart can be found on the AP, CLEP, IB, Cambridge International and Military Service Credit page on the WVU Office of Admissions website.
College Level Examination Program (CLEP)
- Incoming freshmen may request credit equivalencies for CLEP exams they passed at the time of admission to WVU.
- A minimum score of 55 is required to earn credit equivalencies, although some programs may require a higher score.
- The CLEP chart can be found on the AP, CLEP, IB, Cambridge International and Military Service Credit page on the WVU Office of Admissions website.
International Baccalaureate (IB)
- Standard Level (SL): no equivalencies
- Higher Level (HL)
- Score of 4 or 5: equivalent to 3-4 credits of a 100-level course, usually a General Education requirement.
- Score of 6 or better: a direct equivalency may be awarded, at the discretion of the appropriate department. Students to request additional credit when applicable.
- Diploma (DP): students who earn the diploma with a minimum score of 32/45 (71%) will have fulfilled all general education requirements. Coursework will be posted on the transcript according to the established equivalencies.
- The IB chart can be found on the AP, CLEP, IB, Cambridge International and Military Service Credit page on the WVU Office of Admissions website.
- AP and IB credits: upon registration for their first semester at WVU, freshman students will work with their advisers to have the appropriate credits posted to their transcripts. In consultation with their adviser, students may petition to have additional credits recorded by filling out a petition, based on the equivalencies established by the academic units found on the AP, CLEP, IB, Cambridge International and Military Service Credit page.
- CLEP exams results must be submitted at the time of admission. If current students wish to earn credits through CLEP because no credit by examination is offered in that subject at WVU, they must secure permission from the chair or director of their academic unit, as well as that of the chair or director of the unit that offers the course, before filling out a petition. Permission is documented by recording a note in Degree Works.
In this section:
- Transfer Students from other WVU campuses
- Transfer Students
- Evaluation of Transfer Credit
- Transfer Credit Appeal Process
Transfer Students from other WVU Campuses
Students enrolled at WVU Morgantown or WVU Institute of Technology must complete a Change of Campus form to transfer to the Keyser campus. The form can be found under the Forms and Procedures section of the WVU Undergraduate Admissions webpage. WVU Potomac State College admission requirements must be met.
Transfer Students
Transfers from Other Accredited Institutions
WVU Potomac State College welcomes transfer students who have completed post-secondary coursework from accredited colleges or universities. Students seeking transfer admission to the University must be academically and otherwise eligible to return to the institution from which they wish to transfer. Students must have at least a cumulative 2.0 grade point average in all college work attempted. Transfer students who have fewer than 12 transferable credit hours must also meet freshman admission standards.
Students with coursework from institutions without regional accreditation must request approval from the appropriate college to have the coursework articulated.
Application Materials
To be considered for transfer admissions, the following materials are needed:
- A completed application for undergraduate admission.
- Official transcripts of all college work attempted must be sent to the Office of Enrollment Services. Enrollment Services can only accept transcripts sent directly from Registrars' offices. Transcripts issued directly to the student, facsimile (fax), scanned or emailed transcripts are not considered official. Before final admission is granted, an official transcript must be submitted covering all courses taken after application to WVU Potomac State College.
- Applicants having fewer than 12 transferable credit hours must submit a final high school transcript.
- ACT or SAT scores may be used for placement purposes into math and English courses.
Evaluation of Transfer Credit
Evaluation of transferable credit will be made after receipt of all final official transcripts and admission to WVU Potomac State College. All college level credits and grades accepted as transfer credit will be used in the calculation of the cumulative grade point average and total attempted and earned credits.
In all cases, the application of transfer credit toward completion of an associate's or bachelor's degree is determined by the college upon enrollment. The college will determine which credits will be used to meet degree requirements.
Transfer Credit Appeal Process
Students who transfer credits to WVU Potomac State College may appeal decisions on how credits were evaluated. Students opting to appeal a transfer evaluation must appeal to the Office of Enrollment Services within one semester of the transfer. Appeals should be made in writing and provide syllabi or other supporting documents. The Office of Enrollment Services will review the appeal and make any technical corrections to work evaluated as needed. If the Office of Enrollment Services finds no technical error in how the credit was evaluated, the student's appeal and syllabi will be forwarded to the respective division chair through which the course or similar course is offered and reviewed by the division chair or the chair’s designee for a determination. If it is determined the course in question is not equivalent to an existing course, the appeal will be denied. If the appeal is denied, the student may appeal to the Dean of Academic Affairs. The Dean will convene a panel of faculty members to review the appeal. This panel will decide to either uphold the transfer evaluation as it stands or direct that the evaluation be changed. The Dean will notify all parties to the outcome of the process within 60 days of receipt of the appeal by the Office of Enrollment Services.
In this section:
- International Student Admission
- Required Academic Credentials
- English Language Proficiency
- Financial Documents and Student Visa
International Student Admission
WVU Potomac State College is authorized under federal law to enroll non-immigrant foreign nationals as international students. International students who wish to enroll as undergraduate students at WVU Potomac State College must comply with the stated academic requirements for admission and with certain additional academic and non-academic requirements.
Application deadlines are as follows:
- Fall Semester
- Applications must be received by June 1
- All academic documents must be received by July 1
- Spring Semester
- Applications must be received by October 1
- All academic documents must be received by November 1
Applicants must submit the following:
- Completed application for admission.
- Results of the Test of English as a Foreign Language (TOEFL) or International English Language Testing System (IELTS). TOEFL results must be sent to WVU Potomac State College directly from the Educational Testing Service (ETS) and the IELTS results must be sent directly from the University of Cambridge Local Examinations Syndicate.
- Original or certified copies of an official academic record in original language of issue.
- Original or certified copies of all certificates or diplomas in original language of issue.
- Official English translations of academic record and certificates/diplomas.
- Copy of current passport or visa for visa status.
NOTE: Copies of academic records/transcripts, certificates or diplomas from international institutions may be sent by email for review purposes after application. However, original or certified copies of all official records/transcripts, certificates and diplomas must be submitted after admission or as soon as possible prior to registration.
Transcripts from US institutions must be sent directly from the US institution to WVU Potomac State College.
Applicants must submit all secondary school records as well as all university-level records. Transfer applicants should submit course descriptions or syllabi for all courses completed at the university level.
International applicants who have completed high school in the United States will also be required to submit ACT or SAT results.
The above items should be sent to the following address by the application deadline: Office of Enrollment Services, 75 Arnold Street, Keyser, WV 26726.
If possible, all application material should be submitted at one time. (TOEFL/IELTS scores and official transcripts from United States institutions should be requested so that all material arrives at WVU Potomac State College close to the same date.) Incomplete applications cannot be guaranteed consideration for the desired semester.
Please note: Documents received by WVU Potomac State College, including original documents, become the property of WVU and cannot be returned to or copied for the applicant. Students who have only one original copy of their credentials should submit certified copies.
China Higher Education Student Information and Career Center (CHESICC)
Applicants from Chinese institutions should request and submit official transcripts directly through CHESICC. Requests are processed by CHESICC and will be sent electronically to the WVU Potomac State College Office of Enrollment Services. Applicants do not need to submit a paper copy of their transcript. Visit CHESICC to get started.
World Education Services (WES)
To expedite the application process, it is recommended, but not required, that all undergraduate students (both freshmen and transfer) who have attended high school, post-secondary educational institutions and colleges or universities outside the United States use World Education Services to complete professional credential evaluation of all academic work completed. Transfer applicants should request a "course-by-course" International Credential Advantage Package (ICAP). Freshman applicants should request a "document-by-document" International Credential Advantage Package(ICAP). ICAP evaluations include WES certified copies of official documents.
Important Note about Names on Submitted Documents
Materials from applicants are retained alphabetically, under the family name, as indicated by the applicant on the application for admission. It is important that all forms, records and correspondence use the same name and spelling. Your name must be as it appears or will appear in your passport. Materials often cannot be matched to files when papers arrive with different names.
International General Certificate of Secondary Education (IGCSE) and General Certificate of Secondary Education (GCSE)
WVU Potomac State College welcomes applications from students with IGCSE and GCSE Level Certificates from Cambridge International for admissions consideration. We require a minimum of 5 subject passes with two must be English and Mathematics. The average of the grades must be at least a 2.0 (on a 4.0 scale). A passing grade in the subject of English will be accepted as evidence of sufficient English ability.
Admission Requirements
The following are the minimum admissions requirements for international students applying as freshman or undergraduate transfer students.
- Must have at least a 2.0 grade-point average on a 4.0 scale for general admission.
- Must meet English proficiency or request conditional admission.
- International students are encouraged, but not required, to submit SAT or ACT scores. SAT or ACT scores are useful for determining scholarship eligibility and placement into math and English courses.
- Must have at least a 2.0 grade-point average on a 4.0 scale for general admission.
- Must meet English proficiency or request conditional admission.
- In addition, transfer students who have fewer than 12 transferable credit hours, must also meet freshman admission standards and submit secondary school/high school transcripts.
- Grades and credits are transferable for college-level courses from regionally accredited U.S. institutions.
Applicants must submit academic records from all secondary and post-secondary institutions attended regardless of whether grades were issued or credit was received. WVU Potomac State College requires that original or certified copies of the original academic documents from non-US institutions be submitted. The required documents include the official academic record (showing course titles, dates taken, and grades received) and diploma(s) or certificate(s) showing degree awarded. These documents must be in the original language of issue; official English translations must be included. Translations must be literal, word-for-word translations and must indicate actual grades received to have the institution(s) in the U.S. send the official transcript directly to the WVU Potomac State College Office of Enrollment Services.
English Language Proficiency
All applicants whose native language is not English must provide proof of English language proficiency. WVU Potomac State College uses the Test of English as a Foreign Language (TOEFL) the Academic International English Language Testing System (Academic IELTS), Pearson Test of English Academic (PTE), and Duolingo as the measure of English language proficiency. The minimum scores required from such undergraduates are 61 on the internet-based TOEFL; a 6.0 on the Academic IELTS; a 44 on the PTE Academic; or a 90 on Duolingo. Information about registration for the TOEFL can be found at https://www.ets.org/toefl. Information about registration for IELTS can be found at http://www.ielts.org. Information about registration for the Pearson Test of English can be found at https://pearsonpte.com/. And information about registration for the Duolingo English Test can be found at https://englishtest.duolingo.com/applicants.
TOEFL/IELTS/PTE/Duolingo results are not required for applicants who have received a high school diploma and have obtained the required ACT/SAT test scores or a bachelor's degree from a school in the United States.
In some cases, SAT Reading or ACT English test scores may be used to meet English proficiency. A passing grade in the subject of English on the IGCSE or GCSE certificates from Cambridge International will be accepted for English proficiency.
Transfer applicants who have completed English composition courses that WVU determines are equivalent to WVU's ENGL 101 and ENGL 102 with a "B" average at a U.S. institution are not required to submit TOEFL/IELTS/PE/Duolingo scores. Many online English composition courses are not considered equivalent and will require review and approval from the English department.
Financial Documents and Student Visa
Before WVU Potomac State College can issue the document necessary to apply for a student visa (Form I-20), the student must provide proof that they have the adequate financial resources to provide for their expenses incurred while studying at WVU Potomac State College. For more information on the student visa process, visit the International Students and Scholars Services website.