Minor Contact

Minor Code - U109

The Minor in Music Technology is intended for students with a background or interest in recording, creating, or producing audio for music or visual media. There are two tracks available to suit composers, producers/recording engineers, or both. This minor gives students the opportunity to study and apply the theories and techniques required for successful audio production using a digital audio workstation as well as composition, sound design, audio in multimedia applications, and programming using various software and hardware tools.

Select 1 of either Track 1 or Track 2 (listed below)8-9
Track 1: Electronic Music Composition-Required Courses
Introduction to Recording Technology
Electronic Music Composition
Electronic Music
Techniques for Electronic Music Performance
Track 2: Production/Recording Engineering-Required Courses
Introduction to Recording Technology
Introduction to Digital Audio Workstation
Practicum-Recording Technology
Recording Technology Electives (both Track 1 and II) - Select from the following courses:6
Introduction to Digital Audio Workstation
Digital Audio Workstation Alternative
Sound-Games/Visual Media
Advanced Digital Audio Workstation Technology
Practicum-Recording Technology
Electronic Music Composition
Electronic Music
Techniques for Electronic Music Performance
Music Electives (both Track 1 and II) - Select from the following courses:3
Fundamentals of Music
Introduction to Music
Great Composers in Performance
American Popular Music
Music and the Immigrant Experience
Introduction to History of Jazz
Music in World Cultures
Music in Appalachia
Hip Hop Nation: Musical and Conceptual Foundations of a Cultural Revolution 

Independent Study
Physics of Music
Total Hours17-18