Minor Contact

Minor Code - U037

The minor is designed for the student who wants the broadest possible musical experience. Courses in applied music, music history, and music theory are equally balanced in this program. This option is intended for students who desire a traditional music minor that includes a balance of applied study, ensembles, history and literature, and theory.

A successful audition with the School of Music is required for entrance into the program.

A minimum GPA of 2.5 is required in all minor courses
Applied Music4
Applied Lessons for Minors (Audition Required)
Music Ensembles
Select from the following:4
Band: Pep Band
Band: Wind Symphony
Band: Symphonic
Band: Marching
University Community Choir
Introduction To Opera Theatre
Chamber Singers
University Mountaineer Chorus
Chamber Music: Brass
Chamber Music: Guitar
Chamber Music: Piano-4 Hand
Chamber Music: Strings
Chamber Music: Woodwind
Chamber Music: Vocal
Chamber Music: Mixed Ensemble
Chamber Music: Mountaineer Singers
Chamber Music: New Music
Chamber Music: Other
Chamber Music: Brass Choir
Chamber Music: Other
Chamber Music: Other-Vocal Accompaniment
Chamber Music: Other
Jazz Ensemble 2
Chamber Music: Percussion 1
Chamber Music: Percussion 2
Jazz Ensemble 1
Chamber Music: Jazz Small Group
Chamber Music: Jazz Small Group 2
Chamber Music: Jazz and Ethnic
Chamber Music: Jazz Vocal Ensemble
Chamber Music: Jazz Other
Chamber Music: Jazz Vocal Ensemble
Steel Band
African Music Ensemble
Brazilian Music Ensemble
Experiential Music Ensemble
Taiko Ensemble
Fife and Drum Ensemble
Appalachian Music Ensemble
Music Theory *4
Aural Theory 1
Written Theory 1
Music History **3-4
History of Western Musical Traditions 1
History of Western Musical Traditions 2
Music Electives4-6
Total Hours19-22

Choice determined by diagnostic test or teacher consent.


MUSC 111, MUSC 113, MUSC 114, MUSC 115, MUSC 116, MUSC 118, or MUSC 151 are considered a prerequisite for MUSC 270 or MUSC 271. Although MUSC 111, MUSC 113, MUSC 114, MUSC 115, MUSC 116, MUSC 118, and MUSC 151 are not part of the music minor curriculum, each satisfies a GEF requirement.