In this section:
General Statement
Minors are offered in various disciplines at West Virginia University Institute of Technology. This section contains general information concerning course requirements, the process to declare a minor, and a list of disciplines in which minors are offered by each college. The University does not require that an academic program unit offer a minor or that its students take a minor. Minors will be described in the catalog and identified on the student’s transcript in the same manner that majors are identified. If a department requires a concentration of courses in a secondary area and that concentration is not a formal minor, then the department should refer to this group of courses as an ‘area of emphasis’ rather than a ‘minor’ in order to avoid confusion.
Requirements for academic minors are set by the department offering the minor. Substitutions may not be made without written approval of the minor department. Minors must include at least fifteen hours of course work, with a minimum of nine hours at the upper division level (course numbers 300 or above). Units offering a minor may require specific courses and/or may require a minimum performance standard for courses taken to fulfill minor requirements (e.g., "a GPA of 2.0 across courses counted toward the minor is required" or "a grade of ‘C’ or higher must be earned in all courses counted toward the minor"). Courses in the minor may not be taken pass/fail.
Students may not earn a minor in the same field as their major. Courses required for completion of the student’s major may be applied to the completion of a minor, so long as that minor is not in the same field (i.e., offered by the same academic unit) as the major. Each minor must have a minimum of 9 unique credit hours distinct from any other academic credential.
The declaration of academic minors does not change or supersede specific college requirements or policies.
Process to Declare a Minor
To assure that completion of the minor is appropriately recognized and posted to the transcript, students' should:
1. Formally declare the intent to complete a minor by submitting an Academic Status Update for General Student form, located under record forms on the Registrar's website under the forms section, with the appropriate minor code entered.
2. Consult with the academic advisor to incorporate course requirements for the minor into schedule planning.
3. When applying to graduate and receiving a diploma, indicate the minor for which certification is requested.
Note: Minors are only awarded at the time of the conferral of a baccalaureate degree and for dual degree students will only appear once on a transcript.
Minors offered, by college:
School of Arts and Sciences
- Biology
- Chemistry
- Criminal Justice
- Diversity, Equity and Inclusion (DEI)
- Economics
- English
- Forensic Investigation
- History and Government
- Legal Studies
- Mathematics
- Political Science
- Psychology
- Sociology
School of Business
- Accounting
- Adventure Recreation Management
- Business Administration
- Entrepreneurship
- Finance
- Fraud Examination
- Healthcare Administration
- Human Resource Management
- Marketing
- Risk and Insurance
- Sport Management