Minor Contact

Minor Code - U114

The minor in Painting is designed to introduce students to the foundation of painting media. Traditional and experimental painting in both figurative and abstract imagery is explored. Learning is both one-on-one and collaborative, so that personal exploration and wider aesthetic discourse are heightened. The minor in Painting is designed to introduce students to the foundation of painting media. Traditional and experimental painting in both figurative and abstract imagery is explored. Learning is both one-on-one and collaborative, so that personal exploration and wider aesthetic discourse are heightened. (A grade of C- or higher is required in all minor courses.)

ART 111SDrawing 13
ART 121SVisual Foundations 13
ART 213SPainting 13
ART 313SPainting 39
Portfolio Review *
Total Hours18

Students can be required to take the second, 200-level minor course if the portfolio review is not passed.