Minor Contact

Minor Code - U062

The minor in Horticulture is designed to provide students educational opportunities in the area of ornamental horticulture as it relates to current urban environments.  Emphasis is given to learning about the establishment and management of herbaceous and woody plants used in commercial and home settings.  The program would complement the curricula of students interested in careers in various aspects of management and care of turf, parks, and recreational areas, and in landscaping planning.  A grade of C or higher must be earned in all minor courses.

A minimum GPA of 2.0 is required in all minor courses
Minor Requirements
PLSC 206
Principles of Plant Science
and Principles of Plant Science Laboratory
HORT 220
General Horticulture
and General Horticulture Laboratory
Select three of the following9
Plant Propagation
and Plant Propagation Laboratory
Garden Center Management
Handling and Storage of Horticultural Crops
and Handling and Storage of Horticultural Crops Laboratory
Greenhouse Management
and Greenhouse Management Laboratory
Total Hours16