Minor Contact

Minor Code - U104

The minor in food service production is designed to provide students educational opportunities in the areas of hospitality and/or foodservice management and/or food production management. Emphasis is given to those courses that provide expanded knowledge on management, food production, and food safety. Students must obtain a 75% or higher on the ServSafe®  Food Safety and Alcohol examinations offered in  in order to obtain the minor. A minimum GPA of 2.0 is required in all minor courses

A grade of C or higher must be earned in all minor courses
ARE 440Futures Markets and Commodity Prices3
FDST 200Food Science and Technology3
FDST 445Food Microbiology3
HN&F 353
Food Service Systems Management
and Food Service Systems Management Laboratory
Choose two of the following:6
Beef Production
Milk Production
and Milk Production Laboratory
Pork Production
Small Ruminants
Poultry Production
Agribusiness Management
Food Plant Sanitation
Muscle Foods Technology
Science of Food Preparation Laboratory
Maternal and Child Nutrition
Total Hours18