Minor Contact

Minor Code - U057

The minor in Food Science and Technology is for students interested in pursuing careers in the food industry.  The students will gain knowledge of food processing, engineering, chemistry, microbiology, and marketing.  The minor will broaden career opportunities to food safety and quality assurance, food science/technology, food engineering, sensory evaluation, new food marketing research, food development, technical sales and marketing, and state or federal food inspectors. A minimum GPA of 2.0 is required in all minor courses

Minor Requirements
FDST 200Food Science and Technology3
FDST 308Food Plant Sanitation3
ARE 431Marketing Agricultural Products3
Electives - Select three of the following:9
General Microbiology
and General Microbiology Laboratory
Agribusiness Management
Applied Quantitative Methods
Muscle Foods Technology
Food Microbiology
Food Microbiology
Professional Field Experience
Introduction to Human Nutrition
Cross-Cultural Cuisine
and Cross-Cultural Cuisine Laboratory
Science of Food Preparation Laboratory
Food Service Systems Management
and Food Service Systems Management Laboratory
Total Hours18