CDFS 112 | Introduction to Family Processes and Dynamics | 3 |
| 3 |
| Love, Sex, and Intimate Relationships Across the Lifespan | |
| Exploring and Thriving during Emerging Adulthood | |
| Introduction to Parenting | |
| Development in Early and Middle Childhood | |
| Research Methods | |
| 9 |
| Adolescent Development | |
| Stress in Families | |
| Family Interaction and Communication | |
| Trauma, Resiliency, and Children | |
| Interpersonal Communication Skills | |
| Diversity and Human Relations | |
| Romantic and Sexual Development during Adolescence | |
| The Science of Positive Youth Development | |
| Families and Health | |
| Family Life: Historical Experiences and Contemporary Expectations | |
Total Hours | 15 |