Minor Contact

Minor Code - U061

This minor is designed to provide students the opportunity to study the science and techniques which are applied to safe-guard the quality of the environment with emphasis on water, soil and crop protection.  This minor would benefit students from agronomy, horticulture, and other disciplines with significant backgrounds in chemistry and biological science, who intend to work in an area where their major is applied to environmental protection. A grade of C or higher must be earned in all minor courses.

ESWS 155Elements of Environmental Protection3
ESWS 460
Environmental Impact Assessment
and Environmental Impact Assessment Laboratory
Select three of the following: *9
Environmental Microbiology
and Environmental Microbiology Laboratory
Soil Microbiology
Principles of Weed Science
and Principles of Weed Science Laboratory
Pest Management
Environmental Microbiology
and Environmental Microbiology Laboratory
Pest Management
Soil Microbiology
Principles of Weed Science
and Principles of Weed Science Laboratory
Environmental Sampling and Analysis
Environmental Soil Management
and Environmental Soil Management Laboratory
Reclamation of Disturbed Soils
Total Hours15

 Courses with the same title are equivalent to each other.