Minor Contact

Minor Code - U144

The Engineering in Society minor is offered to students within West Virginia University, excluding those in the Statler College.  The minor is designed for students who have an interest in engineering related topics or who plan to seek employment where interaction with engineers is anticipated. Students completing the minor will be able to demonstrate knowledge in areas in which engineering accomplishments and processes impact society, including energy, manufacturing processes, the design process, engineering ethics, critical thinking, decision making, and engineering economics.

The Engineering in Society minor requires the completion of 17 credit hours: 5 required core credits and 12 elective credits from an approved list, with a C- or better required in all courses counting toward the minor.  The required and elective courses are listed below:

Required core courses:
ENGR 140Engineering in History3
ENGR 143Engineering Concepts2
or ENGR 101 Engineering Problem Solving 1
Electives: Must complete 12 credit hours from the following list with at least 9 credit hours at the 300-level:12
Gender in Engineering and Technology Careers
Sustainable Design and Development
Design for Energy Efficiency
Engineering Problem Solving 2
Energy Engineering
Engineering Economy
Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering Design 1
Introduction to Mechanical Design
Aviation Ground School
Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering Design 2
Women in Science
Technical Writing
Total Hours17