Minor Contact

Minor Code - U001

A cumulative GPA of 2.0 across courses counted toward the minor is required.

Group A
Select six hours of the following:6
Fundamentals of Interpersonal Communication
Fundamentals of Public Communication
Fundamentals of Mediated Communication
Fundamentals of Group Communication
Fundamentals of Communication in Contemporary Society
Communication Research Methods
Communication Theory
Appreciation of the Motion Picture
Gender Communication
Group B
Select nine hours from the following:9
Interpersonal Communication Theory
Business and Professional Communication
Organizational Communication
Life-Span Communication
Health Communication
Nonverbal Communication
American Diversity in Film
Intercultural Communication
Communication and Aging
Dark Side of Communication
Family Communication
Social Media in the Workplace
Interpersonal Relationships & Technology
Effects of Mediated Communication
Advanced Organizational Communication
Advanced Nonverbal Communication
Advanced Health Communication
Communication Ethics
Computer Mediated Communication
Organizational Culture
Advanced Social Media
Total Hours15