Minor Contact

Minor Code - U086

Students must achieve an overall GPA of at least 2.25 in the coursework applied toward the minor.

Core Courses12
Culture Requirement:
Chinese Civilization and Culture
Select three language courses: *
Third Year Chinese 1
Third Year Chinese 2
Readings in Modern Chinese 1
Readings in Modern Chinese 2
Business Chinese
Chinese Media
Upper-Division Electives **3
Select one class:
1. Alternate upper division courses in Chinese language
2. Alternate FLIT or FCLT courses in Chinese literature or culture
3. Courses from another related field in or outside of the department, with approval of Chinese Studies advisor, including HIST 325, LING 311, POLS 354, and RELG 231.
Total Hours15

Upper-Division CHIN courses earned through Study Abroad may also be applied.


At least six of the upper-division hours must be completed on campus (exclusive of courses numbered 493 or courses obtained through credit by examination).