Minor Contact

Minor Code - U055

Any student may pursue a minor in Africana studies by completing the following coursework with a minimum grade of C-. No prerequisite coursework is required to declare the minor. 

Introduction to Africana Studies
Select one of the following:
Colonial Africa and Independence
East Africa Since 1895
West Africa to 1885
West Africa from 1885
African-American History-1900
African-American Since 1900
United States Civil Rights Movement
Select three of the following in two different areas, with at least two courses at the 300 level or above:
Contemporary African Literature
African American Literature
African American Literature
Francophone Literature in Translation
Latin American Literature
Geography of Africa
African Environment and Development
Myth and Culture in Pre-colonial Africa
Pre-Colonial Africa
Colonial Africa and Independence
East Africa to 1895
East Africa Since 1895
West Africa to 1885
West Africa from 1885
Africa in World History
African-American History-1900
African-American Since 1900
United States Civil Rights Movement
Introduction to History of Jazz
Topics in Musics of East Asia
Music of Africa
Civil Rights, Policy, and Politics
Race and Ethnic Relations
Class, Status, and Power
Cities and Urban Life
*Or additional courses from the Core Courses list.
Total Hours15