Minor Contact

Minor Code - U085

The minor in Recreation, Parks, and Tourism Resources is designed to provide students with specialized knowledge and skills that may open the door to new career opportunities, enhance lifelong learning, and promote their role as an informed and active citizen. The minor emphasizes the ecological, economic, and social psychological aspects of managing outdoor recreation and tourism resources. A grade of "C" or higher must be earned in all courses counted toward the minor.

Minor Requirements
RPTR 142Introduction to Recreation, Parks and Tourism3
RPTR 242Environmental and Cultural Interpretation3
RPTR 339Sustainable Tourism Management3
RPTR 365Planning and Design in Recreation, Parks and Tourism3
FNRS 438Human Dimensions Natural Resource Management3
or RPTR 491 Professional Field Experience
RPTR 335Management in Recreation, Parks and Tourism Organizations3
or RPTR 433 Recreation Resource Management
Total Hours18